Sustainable Neighborhood: examples in Europe and the UK

作者: 时间:2018-12-13 点击数:

时间:2018年12月17日(星期一)  19:30-21:00
讲座题目:Sustainable Neighborhood: examples in Europe and the UK
主讲人:Janet Askew(英国皇家规划学会前主席)
主讲人简介:Janet Askew is a Past President of the Royal Town Planning Institute. Over a forty-year career, she has worked as a planner in the public and private sectors, including being Head of the School of Planning and Architecture in Bristol, England. Her main area of research is the British planning system, specialising in regulatory regimes and their role in neighbourhood and city planning, as well as the development process. She is currently the Visiting Professor in Planning Law at Ulster University in Northern Ireland, and Cardiff University.  

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